
Concepcion, Chile (36º 47´S, 73º7’ W, 170 amsl)

The LIDAR system is housed in a transportable station located at Transportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory (TIGO) Consortium formed by the University of Concepcion, the Military Geographic Institute of Chile (IGM) and the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy of Germany (BKG).

The systems needs to be operated by one person and the roof is opened and not protected of rain.

LaserQ-switched Nd:YAG
Laser wavelength transmitted532 nm
Laser pulse energy320 mJ (@532)
Pulse duration7 ns
Pulse repetition rate10 Hz
Laser beam divergence0.5 mrad
Beam Expander5X
Periscope and output mirrorsElliptical with 6,35cm of minor axis
Telescope typeNewtonian
Mirror diameter40,64 cm
Focal ratio182,9 cm
FOV3 mrad
DetectorPMT (300 -900 nm)
Interference filter3 nm FWHM (@532)
Data AcquisitionLICEL transient recorder 20 MHz/12 bit
Range resolution7.5 m