If you have code that you would like to share with everyone else, please contact me (hbarbosa[at]if[dot]usp[dot]br. At this moment, we have the following code available:
Person responsible | Software | Description |
Pablo Ristori pablo.ristori(at) CEILAP - Argentina | fernald_new1.m 13/mar/2014 | Unified Lalinet algorithm: Matlab version. If you need to see an example of the use of this code, please have a look at this file Attach:lidar_school_matlab.pdf, prepared for the lidar school of the X WLMLA in Colombia (2018). |
Fabio Lopes fabioslopes(at) IPEN - IAG - USP | 2014_03_13_LEBEAR_ROCEBSELI_LALINET.nb 13/mar/2014 | Unified Lalinet algorithm: Mathematica version. |
Henrique Barbosa hbarbosa(at) LFA - IF - USP | RMlicelUSP_2012Nov23.tgz 23/nov/2012 | This project is an effort to develop basic C++ libraries for dealing with LIDAR data files from Raymetrics/Licel manufactures. It currently includes programs to: average binary files and convert binary to: ascii, csv and netcdf. You can also put many binary files into the same netcdf file. The library can be easily modified and adapted for you needs. |
Riad Bourayou riad.bourayou(at) CLA - IPEN | INPE_read_RM_universal.m 9/nov/2012 | This is a MATLAB script to open Raymetrics/Licel files. output is a struct called data where: - params: are the parameters of the measurements - laser: contains the laser characteristics - acq(N): contain the profiles and data processing relevant data |
Pablo Ristori pablo.ristori(at) Division Lidar - CEILAP | LoadLicel.m 11/sep/2012 | This is a MATLAB script to open Licel files. |