

Station with historic data, operated from 2011 to 2017.

Person in charge

Prof. Dr. Henrique M. J. Barbosa
Ed. Basilio Jafet, Sala 100
Dep. de Fisica Aplicada
Instituto de Fisica - USP
Rua do Matao, Travessa R, 187
05508-090, Sao Paulo, SP Brazil
TEL: +[55] (11) 3091 7016
Email: hbarbosa (at) if (dot) usp (dot) br

Other people involved

Paulo ArtaxoDr. in PhysicsFull Professor, USP-SP
Theotonio PauliquevisDr. in PhysicsProfessor, UNIFESP-SP
Diego A. GouveiaDr. in PhysicsPosdoc, USP-SP

Experimental Sites

1ACONVEX - Aerosols, Clouds, Convection Experiment (aka Manaus - Embrapa)
LOCATION: -2.890559 S -59.969752 W
1 UV Raman Lidar: 355, 387, 408 nm
1 Cimel sun photometer (AERONET) + FluxNet
1 Multifilter shadow band radiometer
1 THIES MetStation with T2m, Pressure, Humidity, Wind speed, Wind direction, radiometer
1 Davis MetStation with T2m, Pressure, Humidity, Wind speed, Wind direction, precipitation
1 THIES Disdrometer
1 GNSS (total column water vapor) with Vaisala PTU300
1 Vertical pointing radar MRR
1 Ceilometer CHM15k