During the 26th IRLC in Porto Heli, Greece, after a brainstorm about ALINE (and LALINET) meeting it was decided that a pilot campaign in 2012 was a very good exercize.
During the 26th IRLC in Porto Heli, Greece, after a brainstorm about ALINE (and LALINET) meeting it was decided that a pilot campaign in 2012 was a very good exercize.
* Landulfo’s suggestion: 2'^o^' week of September of 2012
* Exercise on measurements and data analysis
* Mesurements during the period 08:00 to 20:00
* What each one would provide:
** Cuba: Radiative forcing and back trajectories (HYSPLIT and FLEXPART) calculations
** Edith (Edith.Rodriguez@fmi.fi): Retrieve AOD from MODIS for field campaign period and check the option to contact of SILAM-FMI researchers for data comparison
** Fabio: Check the CALIPSO overpasses over ALINE stations
** Argentina: Protocols from their own network. (Ezequiel) Synthetic Lidar signal and PBL retrieve algorithms.
** Chile: Contact to LIDAR commercial owners in Santiago to check the option for participating during ALINE field campaign and, organization and definition of measurement protocol for ALINE field campaign
** CALIPSO data comparison
** Retrieve T and HR profiles from COSMIC network
** Setup a special session in the VII Workshop in Chile, next year. All groups taking part in the pilot –campaign should present their results. Intercomparisons should be made. Protocols could emerge from the discussion: both for measuring as for analyzes.
Pilot2012.Announcement History
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During the 26th IRLC in Porto Heli, Greece, after a brainstorm about ALINE (and LALINET)
During the 26th IRLC in Porto Heli, Greece, after a brainstorm about ALINE (and LALINET) it was decided that a pilot campaign in 2012 was a very good exercize.
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During the 26th IRLC in Porto Heli, Greece, after a brainstorm about ALINE (and LALINET) meeting it was decided that a pilot campaign in 2012 was a very good exercize.
* Landulfo’s suggestion: 2'^o^' week of September of 2012
* Exercise on measurements and data analysis
* Mesurements during the period 08:00 to 20:00
* What each one would provide:
** Cuba: Radiative forcing and back trajectories (HYSPLIT and FLEXPART) calculations
** Edith (Edith.Rodriguez@fmi.fi): Retrieve AOD from MODIS for field campaign period and check the option to contact of SILAM-FMI researchers for data comparison
** Fabio: Check the CALIPSO overpasses over ALINE stations
** Argentina: Protocols from their own network. (Ezequiel) Synthetic Lidar signal and PBL retrieve algorithms.
** Chile: Contact to LIDAR commercial owners in Santiago to check the option for participating during ALINE field campaign and, organization and definition of measurement protocol for ALINE field campaign
** CALIPSO data comparison
** Retrieve T and HR profiles from COSMIC network
** Setup a special session in the VII Workshop in Chile, next year. All groups taking part in the pilot –campaign should present their results. Intercomparisons should be made. Protocols could emerge from the discussion: both for measuring as for analyzes.