

Main.Software History

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November 21, 2018, at 03:03 PM by -
Changed line 11 from:

(:cell:) Unified Lalinet algorithm: Matlab version. If you need to see an example of the use of this code, please have a look at the Attach:lidar_school_matlab.pdf


(:cell:) Unified Lalinet algorithm: Matlab version. If you need to see an example of the use of this code, please have a look at this file Attach:lidar_school_matlab.pdf, prepared for the lidar school of the X WLMLA in Colombia (2018).

November 21, 2018, at 03:02 PM by -
Changed line 11 from:

(:cell:) Unified Lalinet algorithm: Matlab version.


(:cell:) Unified Lalinet algorithm: Matlab version. If you need to see an example of the use of this code, please have a look at the Attach:lidar_school_matlab.pdf

October 31, 2014, at 11:43 AM by -
Added lines 7-11:

(:cellnr:) Pablo Ristori
CEILAP - Argentina (:cell:) fernald_new1.m 13/mar/2014 (:cell:) Unified Lalinet algorithm: Matlab version.

October 30, 2014, at 08:54 AM by -
Deleted line 6:
Changed lines 11-13 from:

(:cell:) This project is an effort to develop basic C++ libraries for dealing with LIDAR data files from Raymetrics/Licel manufactures. It currently includes programs to: average binary files and convert binary to: ascii, csv and netcdf. You can also put many binary files into the same netcdf file. The library can be easily modified and adapted for you needs.


(:cell:) Unified Lalinet algorithm: Mathematica version.

October 30, 2014, at 08:54 AM by -
Added lines 7-14:

(:cellnr:) Fabio Lopes
IPEN - IAG - USP (:cell:) 2014_03_13_LEBEAR_ROCEBSELI_LALINET.nb 13/mar/2014 (:cell:) This project is an effort to develop basic C++ libraries for dealing with LIDAR data files from Raymetrics/Licel manufactures. It currently includes programs to: average binary files and convert binary to: ascii, csv and netcdf. You can also put many binary files into the same netcdf file. The library can be easily modified and adapted for you needs.

October 30, 2014, at 08:39 AM by -
Added lines 1-25:

If you have code that you would like to share with everyone else, please contact me (hbarbosa[at]if[dot]usp[dot]br. At this moment, we have the following code available:

(:table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 width=100%:) (:head width=25%:) Person responsible (:head width=25%:) Software (:head:) Description (:cellnr:) Henrique Barbosa
LFA - IF - USP (:cell:) RMlicelUSP_2012Nov23.tgz 23/nov/2012 (:cell:) This project is an effort to develop basic C++ libraries for dealing with LIDAR data files from Raymetrics/Licel manufactures. It currently includes programs to: average binary files and convert binary to: ascii, csv and netcdf. You can also put many binary files into the same netcdf file. The library can be easily modified and adapted for you needs. (:cellnr:) Riad Bourayou
CLA - IPEN (:cell:) INPE_read_RM_universal.m 9/nov/2012 (:cell:) This is a MATLAB script to open Raymetrics/Licel files. output is a struct called data where:
- params: are the parameters of the measurements
- laser: contains the laser characteristics
- acq(N): contain the profiles and data processing relevant data (:cellnr:) Pablo Ristori
Division Lidar - CEILAP (:cell:) LoadLicel.m 11/sep/2012 (:cell:) This is a MATLAB script to open Licel files. (:tableend:)